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Any person who feels he or she may have been discriminated against is encouraged to report such a violation to the Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. You may file a complaint with the Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department, Attention Civil Rights Officer, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469; by telephone (281) 633- RIDE (7433); by fax (832) 471-1843; or by email at If information is needed in another language or in another format please contact our office at 281-633-RIDE (7433).

Chinese -

鼓勵任何認為自己可能受到歧視的人在被指控的歧視發生後 180 內向本德堡縣公共交通部門報 告此類違規行為。您可以向本德堡縣公共交通部門投訴,民權官員注意,301 Jackson St.

Richmond, TX 77469;通過電話 (281) 633- RIDE (7433);傳真 (832) 471-1843;或發送電子郵 件至。如果需要其他語言或其他格式的信息,請致電 281-633-RIDE (7433) 聯繫我們的辦公室。

Korean - 차별을 받았다고 생각하는 사람은 차별이 의심되는 날로부터 180일 이내에 그러한 위반을 포트 벤드 카운티 대중 교통부에 신고할 것을 권장합니다. Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department, Attention Civil Rights Officer, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469; 전화 (281) 633- RIDE (7433); 팩스 (832) 471-1843; 또는

이메일( 정보가 다른 언어나 다른 형식으로 필요한 경우 281-633-RIDE(7433)로 저희 사무실에 문의하십시오.

Vietnamese - Bất kỳ người nào cảm thấy mình có thể bị phân biệt đối xử đều được khuyến khích báo cáo hành vi vi phạm đó cho Sở Giao thông Công cộng Quận Fort Bend trong vòng 180 ngày kể từ ngày bị cáo buộc phân biệt đối xử. Bạn có thể nộp đơn khiếu nại với Sở Giao thông Công cộng Quận Fort Bend, Cán bộ Quyền Công dân, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469; qua điện thoại (281) 633- RIDE (7433); qua fax (832) 471-1843; hoặc qua email tại Nếu cần thông tin bằng ngôn ngữ khác hoặc ở định dạng khác, vui lòng liên hệ với văn phòng của chúng tôi theo số 281-633-RIDE (7433).

Russian - Любому лицу, считающему, что оно могло быть подвергнуто дискриминации, рекомендуется сообщить о таком нарушении в Департамент общественного транспорта округа Форт-Бенд в течение 180 дней с момента предполагаемой дискриминации. Вы можете подать жалобу в Департамент общественного транспорта округа Форт-Бенд по адресу Attention Civil Rights Officer, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469; по телефону

(281) 633-RIDE (7433); по факсу (832) 471-1843; или по электронной почте на адрес Если необходима информация на другом языке или в другом формате, обратитесь в наш офис по телефону 281-633-RIDE (7433).

Spanish - Se alienta a cualquier persona que sienta que puede haber sido discriminada a denunciar dicha violación al Departamento de Transporte Público del Condado de Fort Bend dentro de los 180 días posteriores a la supuesta discriminación. Puede presentar una queja ante el Departamento de Transporte Público del Condado de Fort Bend, Atención Oficial de Derechos Civiles, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469; por teléfono (281) 633-RIDE (7433); por fax (832) 471-1843; o por correo electrónico a Si necesita información en otro idioma o en otro formato, comuníquese con nuestra oficina al 281-633-RIDE (7433).

Hindi - कोई भी D�4 जो महसूस करता है िक उसके साथ भेदभाव िकया गया है, उसे किथत भेदभाव के 180 िदनों के भीतर फोट� ब�ड काउं टी साव�जिनक प�रवहन िवभाग को इस तरह के उWंघन की �रपोट� करने के िलए प्रोTािहत िकया जाता है। आप फोट� ब�ड काउं टी प��क ट� ांसपोट�शन िडपाट�म�ट, अट�शन

िसिवल राइट्स ऑिफसर, 301 जै�न स�ट �रचमंड, TX 77469 म� िशकायत दज� कर सकते ह�; टेलीफोन

�ारा (281) 633- राइड (7433); फै � �ारा (832) 471-1843; या ईमेल �ारा पर। यिद िकसी अ� भाषा म� या िकसी अ� प्राVप म� जानकारी की आव4कता है तो कृ पया हमारे काया�लय से 281-633-राइड (7433) पर संपक� कर� ।

Haitian Creole - Yo ankouraje nenpòt moun ki santi yo te fè diskriminasyon kont li pou rapòte yon vyolasyon konsa bay Depatman Transpò Piblik Fort Bend County nan lespas 180 jou apre swadizan diskriminasyon an. Ou ka depoze yon plent ak Depatman Transpò Piblik Konte Fort Bend, Atansyon Ofisye Dwa Sivil, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469; pa telefòn (281) 633-RIDE (7433); pa faks (832) 471-1843; oswa pa imèl nan Si w bezwen enfòmasyon nan yon lòt lang oswa nan yon lòt fòma, tanpri kontakte biwo nou an nan 281-633-RIDE (7433).

French - Toute personne qui pense avoir été victime de discrimination est encouragée à signaler une telle violation au département des transports publics du comté de Fort Bend dans les 180 jours suivant la discrimination alléguée. Vous pouvez déposer une plainte auprès du département des transports publics du comté de Fort Bend, à l'attention du responsable des droits civils, 301 Jackson St. Richmond, TX 77469 ; par téléphone (281) 633- RIDE (7433); par télécopieur (832) 471-1843; ou par courriel à Si des informations sont nécessaires dans une autre langue ou dans un autre format, veuillez contacter notre bureau au 281-633-RIDE (7433).



Fort Bend County is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in the conduct of its business, including Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 that no entity shall discriminate against an individual with a disability in connection with the provision of transportation service. The law sets forth specific requirements for vehicle and facility accessibility and the provision of service. The Public Transportation Department recognizes its responsibilities to the Fort Bend County community in which it operates and to the society, it serves. The Public Transportation Department will utilize its best efforts to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under the Fort Bend County program of transit service delivery and related benefits.

The responsibility for carrying out Fort Bend County’s commitment to Civil Right responsibilities rests with the Director of Public Transportation.

The Civil Rights Officer will review and investigate every complaint promptly. Reasonable measures will be undertaken to preserve any information that is confidential. At a minimum, the Civil Rights Officer will:

Once the investigation has been completed, the Civil Rights Officer will decide the validity of the complaint and what, if any, remedial actions will be taken to address the complainant’s concerns. If an ADA violation is found to exist, remedial steps as appropriate and necessary will be taken immediately. The Complainant will also receive a final report together with any remedial steps. The investigation process and final report should take no longer than twenty-five

(25) business days.

The Civil Rights Officer shall maintain a log of ADA complaints received from this process which shall include the date the complaint was filed; a summary of the allegations; the status of the complaint; and actions taken by the Fort Bend County Department of Public Transportation in response to the complaint. Should Fort Bend County receive an ADA complaint in the form of a formal charge or lawsuit, the complaint will be forwarded to the County Attorney.

A person may also file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination:

Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights

Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator East Building, 5th Floor - TCR 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590


The above link provide specific information about the FTA complaint process and the appropriate forms for submission directly to FTA.

Original text